Our New Lizard Sign on Campus
Friday, December 20, 2019
Sustaining Lizard Populations on Campus
Since the summer of 2017, undergraduate students in our lab have been working on a lizard urban ecology project funded by the University of Arizona Green Fund. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the lizard species on the University of Arizona campus, share our findings with the community, and educate the general public. One of our major outreach goals, aside from our social media, was to create a sign that can be used to teach UA students and visitors about the three lizard species that can be found on campus. This November, our sign was approved and placed in a heavily traveled area on the UA campus, at the Northwest corner of Old Main. The area surrounding Old Main is great for observing all three species of lizards, especially the large Desert Spiny Lizards (Sceloporus magister) that we were radio tracking.
Alexus Cazares